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Youth Education Support Services

The Elementary Student Assistance Process (ESAP) was developed to ensure that each child would be given an opportunity to experience academic success. Seneca Valley School District’s ESAP process is titled Youth Education Support Services (Y.E.S.S.).

The Y.E.S.S. Team provides elementary student assistance to students who are at-risk academically, behaviorally, or emotionally. The process involves gathering data, setting goals, developing a plan of action, implementing the plan, and monitoring student progress. The Elementary Y.E.S.S. Team is comprised of the building administrator, referring teacher, parents, Instruction and Intervention Specialist, School Counselor, Reading Specialist, and the School Psychologist. Other school staff may attend as appropriate. The Y.E.S.S. Team members are trained in skills used to assess a student’s instructional level, involve parents in their child’s education, collaborate to solve problems, and develop instructional strategies that facilitate student achievement.

Parents or teachers may refer students to the Y.E.S.S. Team by contacting the Building Administrator or an Instruction and Intervention Specialist. The Instruction and Intervention Specialist for grades K-1 is Stephanie Bruner, 724-776-1581 x4075, The Instruction and Intervention Specialist for grades 2-4 is Chelsea Bennardo, 724-776-1581 x4062,